Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Money Can't Buy Everything

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Evelyn

Money can't buy me when I am
rocking out with some Whiz Pops with my dad.
Money can't buy the snow softly falling
from the sky.
Money can't buy butterflies coming to land on you
for good luck.
Money can't buy me and Bennett,
writing away.
Money can't buy me swimming in the
freezing cold pool.
Money can't buy Bennett
running across the field.

 Money Can't Buy Everything
by Shaeli

Money can't buy everything.
Money can't buy my family when everyone is happy.
Money can't buy me and my dad when we snuggle together.
Money can't buy me and my mom exploring and
rock climbing together.
Money can't buy me and my friends playing together.
Money can't buy Jessie teaching me guitar.
Money can't buy me and my sisters playing together.
Money can't buy me and my dog when she snuggles with me.
Money can't buy me and my mom and my dog, Wednesday,
when we used to play in the glistening, green backyard.
Money can't buy  me and my half sister snuggling.
Money can't buy the smile on Gillian's face when we start class.
Money can't buy when my mom gives me a kiss on the forehead.
Money can't buy me and my grandma baking brownies.
Money can't buy when I pet my dog, Moose, and scratch his belly.
Money can't buy love!

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Camille

Money can't buy the nature glistening
and the wind blowing through the sparkling trees.
Money can't buy me and my friends speeding on the playground.
Money can't by my family and me watching the flames of the fire springing.
Money can't buy me when I am happy or sad or scared or even calm.
Money can't buy me singing in my room, dancing.
Money can't buy me doing swim meets, even if it tries.
Money can't buy everything.
It can't buy me lazily sleeping.
Money can't buy my smile shining and soarint.
Money isn't everything you think it is.
It can't save you from a tornado or an atomic bomb or an avalance or
the world exploding and rushing to the ground.
Money is cool but it still can't do everything.
Money can't buy love or care and it can't buy my floating, golden hair
and it can't buy Gabby, Karma, Bennet, Evelyn, Mia.
Money can't buy my cashew brain.
It can't buy my teachers or my mom and dad laughing, happily.
Money can't buy my soul sharply pumping,
even if it wanted to.

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Bennett

Money can't buy my family at Christmas
sitting together by the blazing fire,
while the snow sparkles down on the winter trees.
Money can't buy the shimmering trees or
the snow falling to the ground
covering all the animals like a blanket.
Money can't buy my friends climbing trees,
reaching the green, glowing leaves.
Money can't buy how proud I feel of myself
when I finish my gymnastics routine.
I smile at my parents as they cheer in excitment for me.
Money can't buy me bouncing off the trampoline and
doing the highest jump.
I feel so excited when I finish.

Money Can't Buy Everything
By Clayton

Money can't buy when me and my dad make paper airplanes.
Money can't buy when me and Jackson play paper airplanes together.
Money can't buy when my mom is waiting for me after school.
Money can't buy when my whole family plays Sorry together.
Money can't buy the winter when the snow heavily falls.
Money can't buy the spring when flowers bloom.
Money can't buy the summer when we go to Flathead Lake and swim in the warm water.
Money can't buy the fall when  when me and Jackson jump in the dry piles of leaves.
Money can't buy the changes of the seasons or
my family's love.

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Evelyn

Money can't buy me when I'm rocking out with some Whiz Pops
with my dad banging on the drums like crazy.
Money can't buy the snow softly falling from the sky.
Money can't buy the spring with butterflies coming to land on you for
good luck.
Money can't buy me and Bennett, writing away.
Money can't buy me swimming in the freezing cold pool.
Money can't buy Bennett running across the field,
calling, "Evelyn!!!!!"

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Mia

Money can't buy everything.
Money can't buy my racer sister and
my awesomely cool brother.
Money can't buy my incredible mother and father.
They are like the sun and the moon.
They are not like the clouds and rain.
They are exactly like the flowers and a bee.
And everybody loves to ski and ski.
It is like we all won Super G and GS.

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Ari

Money can't buy everything but it can buy
marshmallows, and that's basically the same thing.
Money can't buy the smooth, silky, gold bark or the
the airy, jet-like woods or the velvety,
glistening snow through the branches of the trees
or the spider's web that smells like vanilla.
Money can't buy my friends when we have
squirt gun fights and the sun is
glistening down on us.
Money can't buy the activities me and my family
do and sometimes when the sparkling sun
reflects the snow in our faces,
it is beautiful.

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Thalia

Money can't buy the feeling of holding
my dirty bunny Mimzy.
Money cannot buy the happiness of being held by my family.
Money cannot buy the feeling of being read to.
Money cannot buy the pride of doing the Suffer fest with papa.

Money cannot buy the feeling of whizzing around
on the Zipo with my friend, Cc.
Money cannot buy the feeling of playing tag with Ruby.

Money Can't Buy Everything
by Sasha

Money can't buy Liev when he's
laughing like a madman and dancing
Gangam style.
Money can't buy me and my dad, Chase,
reading The Fellowship of the Ring
in the pitch black night.
Money can't buy my cat jumping five feet
in the air and scratching Liev.
Money can't buy my dad screaming at deer.

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